Hacking An Abundance Mindset
ZEN-it Team
17 Jan 2024

An abundance mentality or mindset refers to a state of mind where one feels there are sufficient resources and successes to share with others. It relates to viewing one’s life as being full of positives, opportunities, successes and means to succeed.
An abundance mindset is the opposite of a scarcity mindset, that is driven by the belief that resources are scarce and one must constantly compete for them, resulting in fear, insecurity, jealousy, and over-competitiveness.
Why Does An Abundance Mindset Help?
Adopting a strict scarcity mindset can be counterproductive. A scarcity mindset tends to cause us to fixate on specific (particularly negative) thoughts or situations, and adopt quick-fix short term solutions. It causes stress, dejection and makes us lose sight of larger goals and opportunities.
On the other hand, an abundance mindset makes us more flexible and open, opening us up to possibilities and opportunities. It helps us be more peaceful, content and generous. It ultimately helps us with personal and spiritual growth, enabling us to live full and contented lives.
I’m On Board! How Do I Get Started?
Weighing up the two, it’s obvious that an abundance mindset is better for our mental health, spiritual wellbeing and inner peace. But how do we go about cultivating an abundance mindset? Like many other aspects of a mindful and conscious life, adopting an abundance mindset isn’t an overnight affair either. But worry not! We offer some easy steps to get started on this journey, below.
1. Starting the Day On A Positive Note

An easy fix that one can adopt right away, is to start each day on a positive note. Once you awake from your sleep, adopt an affirmation, mindfulness mantra or simply repeat a positive note to yourself. You could also set a positive goal for yourself. Let this be your guiding light for the day. Avoid using negative or insecure statements here. Remember, we want to start our day on an uplifting or motivating note.
2. Counting Your Blessings
The old adage ‘Count your blessings’ is really a powerful one, and one that can help us move into an abundance mindset. Every day, in the morning, during a mid-day or afternoon slump, or in the evening as you are about to wind up for the day, remind yourself of the blessings in your life. This could simply be recounting to yourself what you are most thankful for, on that day, or even reminding yourself of a few reasons why you are fortunate. Doing this every day will gradually make you notice such things, big and small, that demonstrate your good fortune.
Check out our Guided Gratitude Practice - Joy in Little Things on our Resources Page.
3. Embrace Possibilities And Opportunities

Resisting change comes naturally to most people. Along with it, the fear of uncertainty, and of having one’s important plans disrupted. However, a key element of having an abundance mindset, is to be flexible and embrace possibilities and opportunities. Instead of viewing changes or challenges as obstacles or detractions from a path to success, it is important to recognise that these are very much part of the very same path. Viewing them as part of the journey, the next step then is to consider any possibilities or opportunities that arise from them.
Doing this regularly will improve our ability to make decisions in crunch situations, and willingness to explore new paths.
4. Indulge Creative Pursuits
Oftentimes, even when we are interested in a hobby, we brush it off since we feel the need to prioritise other, more serious tasks. However, it is important to devote some time to creative pursuits. Indulging our creativity can provide joy and relaxation, while stimulating our minds and talents. It can also enhance confidence and a general feeling of positivity, which is essential to have an abundance mindset.
Ready To Get Started?

So, are you ready to get started with cultivating your abundance mindset? The ZEN-it app offers a number of features and tools that can help you in this journey, providing you with guided meditations and tools to nurture your abundance mindset!​
How can one maintain an abundance mindset during challenging times or setbacks?
To maintain an abundance mindset during challenges, focus on flexibility, seek the lessons in setbacks, and surround yourself with positivity. Emphasizing growth, not just in terms of traditional success metrics, but in terms of knowledge and experience gained and problems solved helps reinforce resilience.​
Are there any scientific studies or psychological research that support the benefits of an abundance mindset?
Research by Carol Dweck on "growth mindset," which parallels the concept of abundance, shows that individuals who believe their abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work are more likely to flourish. This mindset contributes to greater achievement and increased resilience.
How can an abundance mindset be integrated into professional environments or workplaces?
Integrating an abundance mindset into professional environments involves fostering a culture of collaboration, recognizing and celebrating achievements, encouraging continuous learning, and promoting open communication to see opportunities in challenges.